The Shell Lady of Etsy's SeashellsbySeashore & Loving Coastal Living. Sharing personal struggles of living with a chronic illness. A blog featuring a person, not just as a business owner, but as a wife, mother, & woman, just like many other people sharing a common bond for wanting to live life at its fullest- in the hardest of challenges to the greatest of triumphs. Join me as I begin the quest to overcome the statistics of a chronically ill person.
Where you can find me!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Vacation Tips for Summer 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
All pending orders
Dear friends- all pending orders go out today. Got a little backed up from last weekends sales. Thanks! Lynnette
Monday, May 23, 2011
Please Welcome Naomi- our latest Featured Artist
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sneak Peak of tomorrow's featured artist
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Beach Bum Beauties- a mother/ daughter team
I wanted to introduce SeaShells Mother/Daughter Shop. We've had it open for a while, but are just now beginning to sculpt it into what we envisioned. When I began SeaShells in the fall of last year, my daughter, Mattalyn would sometimes join in and create. She expressed some interest in jewelry, so slowly I began to buy here various beads and findings. It has been a learning process for both of us, and some of our earlier pieces were pretty raw, but we together continued to stay encouraged, simply because it was good 'Mom/Daughter' time. Over the course of time, we have expanded our ideas, and really reached inside to try to express what we love.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
It time for COOL ETSY PICKS!
His shop can be viewed directly at
Here are my favs-
Actually it was hard only picking 3...make sure and stop by his shop and show him some love!
If you find a 'Cool Etsy Pick' send it my way. Contact Me
Monday, May 16, 2011
Please Welcome Marilyn from BeachSeaCrafts on Etsy
It is so nice having you Marilyn on our blog! We wish you all the success in the future. Thanks for sharing with us all!
If you are interested in being a featured artist on the blog, please contact me here:
SeaShellsbySeaShore- contact us!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The end of my week...
I wanted to share a quick quote I saw today to end my week--
Good night all,
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Glorious End of the day...
It's good to be refreshed and back to enjoying a peaceful and tranquil state.
I will have some new things to share over the course of this next week. For right now, enjoy the rest of your weekend.
We will be featuring our next artist on Monday. We will welcome Beach Sea Crafts from Etsy.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Prayer request
My dear friends ...please just take some time to say a little prayer for me today. I'm having a rough time with many areas right now. Without going into long details I just ask you pray for me to be refreshed and inspired today.
I had planned on doing a post today titled 'Thankful Thursday'. I know sometimes it's hard during grey areas of life to find things you're thankful for- I am no different. I know there are plenty around us every moment but today I need to spend time in prayer and rest. Please feel free to post comments on what you are thankful for, every bit of positive encouragement will not go unnoticed.
Thank you for you all and giving me a day to reflect. I'll be back with a good report soon!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Monday's Feature Artist- Raziela Designs
Sunday, May 8, 2011
At the end of the day...
As I sit outside tonight on my patio, I am truly grateful for this day. I spent the morning with my mother, amd had a relaxing and tranquil day overall. My girls finally returned from all their academic events from out of state & in state (but we have a big state here I'm Texas). My son returned from his weekend adventure at his friends. Although they were all exhausted amd slept most of the afternoon into the evening, it was so comforting to have them all home. I look forward to my husband's next 2 days off. There's always a sense of relief when he comes home from a long work week.
I am Blessed.
I hope you all had a good end to your week and are excited about the one ahead. Slow down this coming week and find the little things you're thankful for that may normally go unnoticed - you be glad you did!
Featured Artists TEASER
Happy Mother's Day Ladies!
Tribute to all Mother's near and far- for all you have done. This is a little off for Mother's Day- but I had to share this. Even if it helps one person, it will been all for the good of the kids we raise everyday.
Yesterday I had the honour to be a speaker at a local church for their teenage girls group. I woke that morning dreading the event, mostly because my body was so sore and tired from my illness. I kept thinking- maybe they'll forget to pick me up (I can no longer drive due to the illness), maybe it was cancelled, and so on. I truly wanted to share with the girls but it was as if the devil was fighting me every inch and not opening the doors to physically do the speech.
Soon the ladies from the church called and announced they had been delayed, and had to start the event a little later. They asked if I could be picked up around noon. Praise God- it gave me enough time to 'get my body' moving. I arrived shortly after noon to what seemed like chaos. I am quite an anal person when it comes to planning, and for things to be organized. It was NOT like that. I could tell the adults had 'lost' the girls. Girls were going every which way, being wild. While one adult tried to fix the dreaded chocolate fountain, the other ladies sat and complained about things in their lives, their husbands, and even their own kids (to which most of them were there in the same room). There was a wedding reception downstairs, and I was amazed at the adults reaction towards the girls. They said things like 'they're doomed, what an great way to end your life', etc. I treasure my marriage- all the ups and downs, spending my life with the man I love. These ladies had the right notion and intended the event to be inspiration and productive for the girls, although it was clear it had clearly lost that track.
We then went on to make some shell hair clips for each of them to have. They loved the the little tidbits to remind them of the day, and something to make them feel pretty and special.
The rest of the event went pretty much the same as it had started, but I thank God I had an opportunity to speak to each of them. I'm not saying they didn't get anything from the rest of the day- I hope they did. It just reminded me so much of the need to stay positive, specially amongst our youth. We are making the mold for them. We need to watch we we all say, and how we portray life. Who knows, maybe a year or so ago, I would have been the same as the other adults there- caught up in life, not recognizing what life is really about.
Don't let anyone tell you your job of being a mom is easy- we all know differently. I tell my kids all the time, "If the only reason I was put on this Earth, was to be a Mom to you kids, I'm alright with that. It is my honor to be your Mom" My kids giggle every time, but I think they know it is true.