The Shell Lady of Etsy's SeashellsbySeashore & Loving Coastal Living. Sharing personal struggles of living with a chronic illness. A blog featuring a person, not just as a business owner, but as a wife, mother, & woman, just like many other people sharing a common bond for wanting to live life at its fullest- in the hardest of challenges to the greatest of triumphs. Join me as I begin the quest to overcome the statistics of a chronically ill person.
"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope" (Rom. 5:2-4).
Perseverance is the key to every great accomplishment because nothing of lasting value has ever been achieved without it. Industrialist Henry Ford is one of the great success stories of American history, but he failed in business five times before he succeeded. A Ford Motor Company employee once asked his boss the secret of success, and Henry Ford replied, "When you start a thing, don't quit until you finish it."
The path ahead of you is strewn with obstacles. People will oppose you. There will be financial setbacks, time pressures, illnesses and misfortunes. Some of the biggest obstacles will be inside of you: self-doubt, insecurity, procrastination, and worry. You must give yourself permission to succeed.
When we persevere through adversity, we win the approval of our Lord Jesus Christ, who told the suffering church at Ephesus, "I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. . . . You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary" (Rev. 2:2-3). That, I'm sure, is the same commendation Joseph received from God when he passed the perseverance test.
Perseverance is a refusal to quit. It's falling down 100 times and getting back up 101 times. We need to remember that perseverance is not a matter of forcing doors to open; it's standing in front of the doors as long as it takes before God chooses to open them.
Life is a marathon, not a sprint. The race doesn't go to the swiftest, but to those who don't give up. We need endurance in order to deal with the stress of adversity. We must maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. People give up or give out when they feel depleted - when they physically, emotionally and spiritually run out of gas.
When going through adversity, watch out for pessimists, blamers and toxic personalities. Beware of people who try to talk you out of your dreams and goals. Spend time with optimists and encouragers. Seek out people of faith.
“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.”
― Marianne Williamson
Morning over the canal, I love how the sun's rays shine through the clouds.
Hello friends,
I find myself in a situation where the past three weeks have produced much strife, many challenges, and just an all around hard time. I find myself searching for relief around every corner because every avenue in life I turn seems to take me down a dark road of pain, and discouragement. The challenges I face mentally are mounting and I find my memory, focus & cognitive impairments to be yet my greatest adversary. I have fought the pain for years now but the deteriorating health of my mind & mental status is something I feel I'm not yet armed to deal with. As I continue daily to raise up my prayers to the Lord, I look for answers to help me fight this illness head on. I ask that my ears be open to hear His voice, my eyes to see His ways, & my heart be soft enough to take in His word. The writings below were taken from an article I recently read. I find it is more for myself to learn from, but wanted to share with you so you to can benefit from it's excellent points on gratitude. The opening quote from Marianne Williamson seemed fitting for it as well! I hope you find the following inspiring! I hope you'll join me on my Facebook page and continue to follow my journey & cheer me and others living with chronic illness on.
Warmest Beach Blessings,
The Shell Lady
~ Lynnette
Your life at present is marked with achievement and success because of the people who helped you get to where you are today. There are people who could only dream to have the talent, the time, the money, the opportunity you have right now. Think about that. Ponder that. Appreciate that. Let that sink in. Big life moments would never happen without the little steps that have been taken to get there. Notice them. A grateful heart sees the value in every single human being. Recognize and appreciate that every person has potential to teach you something new and help you become a better person. See every single day as an opportunity to take charge of what you can take charge of, and then purposefully, diligently and intentionally make beautiful use of it. You can’t do life on your own. We like to think we can – like we’re tough and impenetrable and that life won’t drag us down. In order to have quality friends in your time of need, you need to be a quality friend in their time of need. Important investments take time. People who approach life with a sense of gratitude and calm are those who make the time to pause. They create quality pockets of time in which they can kick back and relax. It becomes their safe place where they can recharge, rejuvenate and refresh before heading back into the rat race called 'life'. DON’T IGNORE REST! Imperfections can be our greatest teachers if we see them as the catalyst for personal growth and change. We allow ourselves to believe it’s not good to cry. It’s not good to feel pain. It’s not good to feel sad, or be down, or experience setback, or go through heartbreak. But true happiness and inner contentment happens when your heart is grateful for everything your life experiences – the good, the bad, the hard, the easy, the defeats and the victories. The gratitude you express – or choose to not express – spills over into everything you do and everyone you meet. It’s refreshing to be around people who appreciate what they have, love who they are and embrace where they’re going. Embrace the here and now, seeing every day as an opportunity to become a better version of yourself and enjoy the journey in the meantime. Focusing on your faults will not change one single thing about yourself or your situation. Focus on what you do have and what you are. Have a continual inner display of happiness regardless of life’s uncontrollable circumstances by practicing gratitude on a daily basis.
This article was derived from:
Read a wonderful article this morning and wanted to pass it onto y'all! Ongoing struggle of many, including myself, & I'm looking forward to implementing some new techniques and SEA if it's helps!
Have a beautiful day & enjoy your Labor Day weekend. Visit my blog on WordPress for updates on my shops-
Ah, the elusive work/life balance. Many crave it, yet so few seem to achieve it. We are continuously burnt out, frustrated, and still running in our hamster wheels when pay-off was promised. In recent years, we’ve begun to admit that this strategy hasn’t worked out for most of us, and now seek guidance for a way to balance our work with the rest of our life.
Martin Bjergegaard, a Scandinavian entrepreneur dedicated to self-improvement and the importance of a work/life balance, has developed some great tips on how to achieve this equilibrium in the modern world. Bjergegaard’s own life experiences give him both passion and credibility in cultivating a balance that almost anyone can implement. Check out his top 6 tips on balancing your career with the rest of your life:
I will be the first to admit it; I haven’t always had a good work/life balance. For some time I worked as a Strategy Consultant for a global management consulting firm. For me, it was hell on earth. An eternal battle just to get a decent night’s sleep, let alone spend time with the people I love.
My time there came to a close when I reached a point where I couldn’t sleep at all. We were working in Kuwait City at the time, quartered at the fancy hotel, and I remember walking the hallways during the nights, trying to fight feelings of anxiety and a growing desperation. After 3 nights like this, I called back home and quit the job everyone had told me I ought to be proud of.
A bit later, in 2006, I started my own company together with 3 friends. Today, we have 200 employees in our offices in London, Berlin and Copenhagen. We have invested in around 150 start-ups across the world, and set up co-working spaces with hundreds of entrepreneurs. All the while taking 6 weeks of vacation each year, travelling the world with my family and friends, and working an average of 45 hours a week.
I have discovered that it’s actually not that hard to have a great work/life balance, if only you apply a few simple tips with consistency:
1) Choose a mission that motivates you
It doesn’t matter if you are self-employed or working for others, the important thing is that you put your efforts into something that is meaningful to you. Why? Because it releases a lot of energy. You will never get a good work/life balance if you are demotivated, frustrated with your job, or feeling what you do is a waste of time. When you finally arrive at home, you will be drained of energy. When you do a job you truly care about, it will give you energy, and you will be happier with your life in general.
2) Stand up for yourself
We often fall in the trap of trying to please everyone around us. It’s counterproductive, because it’s only going to make us unhappy, thereby compromising our ability to be of value to others. Figure out what you need to be your best self. In my case, I need to work out 4-5 times a week, regularly practice meditation, and sometimes a nap in the middle of the day. As you can probably imagine often people try to pull me away from those self-nurturing activities (example: my daughter wants to play with me, rather than go with me to the gym) but I have taught myself to stand up for my needs, and not be ashamed of them.
3) Optimise your time in flow
I used to optimise the amount of hours I was working, believing that the more hours I spent on the job, the more successful I would become. Then I was fortunate enough to have some good role models that taught otherwise; when we are in a state of flow, we can be up to 10 times as efficient as when we are semi-distractedly slaving away. What is flow? Flow is the state where you are fully immersed in the task at hand, not thinking about anything else. Time and place cease to exist. It’s a wonderful state, and when it’s over you are surprised how much you actually managed to get done!
Today, I design my day so that there is the best possible chance to get a lot of flow-time. Quite often that involves a walk in the park in the middle of the day, or some other kind of refreshing break. In my view, it’s irresponsible not to take that break when you need it. Likewise, I often isolate myself for a few hours to protect my flow state – for instance by working some mornings from home.
4) Make a today list
N.R. Murthy, the founder of Infosys, shared his secret for work/life balance with me; he makes a today list. Simple as it sounds, I too have realised the powerful potential of this small tool. Most of us are used to making long to-do lists—lists including everything that needs to be done, both in the near and distant future. Such a list is fine for the purpose of liberating your mind from having to remember it all, but it’s a really bad idea to spend too much time together with that list. It will only create stress and make you feel overwhelmed. Plus you can easily lose sight of the few things that are massively important.
Like Murthy, make it a habit to jot down a list of 2-3 things every morning that you want to get done TODAY. Only include the activities that are critically important, that will bring you towards your most important goals. Get them done before lunch, and remember to feel good about it.
5) Never write or respond to emotional emails
This is really a big time-waster in most modern workplaces; long and emotional email correspondences. If someone sends you an emotional email, never press “reply” and fire away. Instead, call up the person or meet over a cup of coffee. Talk about the matter in person. Emails are a terrible communication tool when there are emotions involved. What could be sorted out with just 10 minutes face-to-face conversation suddenly explodes because of misunderstandings and misinterpretations, and you witness yourself spending half your day sorting out energy-draining conflicts that are completely unnecessary. If you are spending hours of your life dealing with tasks like this, you might need to ask yourself: am I winning without losing?
6) Just go home
I had a boss once that gave me a piece of advice that helped me out a lot. He said something along the lines of: “You will be coming back tomorrow, so you don’t end your day by reviewing all your unanswered emails, cleaning up your desk and going through your to-do list. Instead, just get up and walk out the door.”
My boss was very good at not obsessing about anything, not believing that everything would fall apart if he missed an email, or left the office an hour earlier than normal. He danced to his own beat, and he was incredibly happy and cheerful, which went a long way to creating a healthy and productive atmosphere in the company.
Don’t make a big fuss out of leaving the office. Just do like you would if you were merely going to the restroom. Stand up and walk out the door. You’ll be back in no time anyway.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:2-5).
God often allows pain to ignite destiny in our lives. Without motivation, many of us would never fulfill the purposes for which God created us. Oftentimes a measured assault invades our life and creates a depth of pain that all we know to do is press into God with all our being.
At first, our motivation is to alleviate the pain. After a season of extreme emotional and sometimes physical pain, a second phase begins. This phase moves us to discover a new and deeper relationship with God. We begin to discover things about ourselves and about God that we never would have discovered without this motivation. Gradually, our heart changes our motivation from pain to loving obedience because there is a transition of the heart that takes place. No longer do we seek God for deliverance from the pain; we seek God because He is God. We seek His face and not His hand.
When we move to the second phase we often find ourselves moving into a new destiny and calling for our lives because God often separates us from the old life in this process. No doubt Joseph and Peter felt the pain of their individual crises. However, later they could realize God's purposes in their crisis. Like Joseph, we are able to say, "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."
Today, let God move you from the place of pain to the place of destiny. Let God show you the secret things He has reserved for you as a result of the crisis you may find yourself in.
Last I wrote, I had given you an update about some 'experimental' meds I was trying. Well, the steroids & antibiotics do work, but unfortunately wear off far too soon to be considered a 'cure' or predictable enough to stay on for an extended period of time. So, what's that all equal out to- guess I'm back to Square One...
I've been spending quite a bit of time in prayer. Searching for answers...I know God must have some bigger plan in mind than what I can see- I know I'm not supposed to understand everything. I feel God has put adequate remedies here on this earth to combat the devil's evil ploys. So- I am continuing my quest for a better lifestyle, and I know far too well I need to treat My Temple (my Body) better than I have been! I wanted to share a conversation I received from a friend. It is filled with some valuable info- and I feel it can effect life as we know it on a bigger and better scale.
I hope and pray you all are well- I will try to continue to update y'all on my progress!
Much love- Salty Kisses & Sandy Hugs-
The Shell Lady
Here is the email I received!
"Our society is blindly buying into products that are doing more harm than good, and unfortunately companies care more about revenue than to admit their cheap faults in production. That's greed and marketing for you. The bad side of it anyways. So, anyone I can tell my small natural journey to, I do, so they might have a chance to make small changes that help their own bodies in a big way. From my personal experiences, I believe there are 3 main areas everyone who is thinking about 'going natural' should focus on: beauty and hygiene,eating habits, andexercise routine.
I've been using all of the above products in my beauty and hygiene routine for over 2yrs now and I feel so much better about what I'm putting on my largest organ (aka my skin) :) It has thanked me too. My legs are no longer dry or get very many ingrowns, and my at times, painful cystic acne hasn't seen the light of day for at least 3 months now, and I can apply deodorant knowing my skin is breathing in beneficial ingredients. All positive changes from multiple edits in my beauty routine to going as natural as possible. My mother, who you might remember I mentioned has symptoms like those of MS, but she has essential tremor of the head, has seen a slower foldout of the benefits of going natural, but consistency is her issue. My homemade products have journeyed to Maryland recently and now my grandparents, cousins, sister, uncles and aunts are using them now and love them.
The next area to 'going natural' is eating habits. Last week my dad was told by his doctor he is borderline diabetic. What a wake-up call that was for him, and for the first time in seriously YEARS...he ate a salad I made for him and yogurt. He's the kind of guy that can eat a whole bag of chips or crackers while doing the bills or watching a movie on the couch, go pickup fast food for lunch every day, but will hardly eat any fruits or vegetables no matter how many times he is told he should...and slowly his stubbornness has caught up to him. What goes in, must come out. Your body won't tell you how it will all come out though. It is at those moments when we realize we are either having bad or good symptoms of what things we have been doing to our bodies.
Two years ago when I started to eat more leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables at least twice a week to begin with, my body responded with some unpleasant reactions: a hurting stomach because of gas and the feeling I was still hungry even though I just ate 3 fruits and a big salad to get the needed calorie intake. I was questioning whether I was doing more harm than good by eating so healthy...and then my soon-to-be nurse sister informed me that bacteria farts. Yup, haha it's true! The bacteria that lives in your gut lets off nitrogen gas whenever they consume high-fiber and complex carb rich nutrients commonly found in healthier foods and even grains, which in turn gives us some bloating of gas. But this bacteria also lets off gas when foods or drinks that can't easily be digested are consumed. Bad and good gas that causes farting actually exists and is totally normal. So what I had to do is drink more water and take smaller consistent steps towards eating healthy instead of diving in all at once and eating as much healthy food as possible day to day. I had to give my intestines and the bacteria that lives there a chance to get used to being fed all the nutritional goodness I wanted it to have instead of shocking it. Now over a few months of easing in, it has learned how good healthier foods can be and bloating has disappeared! ...but, the catch here is that it has become smart enough to recognize what is 'junk' and what is 'healthy'. Can you believe that?? No joke. A healthy stomach will keep your desire for cookies, gum, ice cream, and all those other sweet treats in check!! I wish I could eat my favorite chocolate ice cream as much as I used to, but it has come down to maybe once a month that I consume it because having it consistently upsets my stomach. A good thing though I guess, my stomach is looking out for my body's best interests as I continue on my journey. I also make sure to eat relatively slow and not devour my food, which gives my stomach time to digest properly.
The last area is exercise. Probably the hardest area for me to tackle, but the most important for my type of lifestyle. My 'real' job outside of ArtSea Chic is in a corporate environment sitting at a desk for 8hrs+ 5 days a week under pressure to meet deadlines, at times difficult co-workers, managing programs and a never ending to-do list. That's a lot of stress, pressure, and sitting that's hurting my body with not a lot of extra time to put towards exercising. If all that doesn't get released though, it's building up into a huge ball of anxiety and actually hurting my well being both mentally and physically. I have actually noticed whenever it gets bad, I tend to shed hair more than usual, I'm restless, my joints are sore, and it's actually very uncomfortable to sit more than an hour in the car driving home. That's my body's way of tell me that something's not right, and to do something about it. Isn't it smart? :)
I'm in a constant battle for time, always. There's never enough time in the day to do everything I need to do. But, I know basic yoga and zumba fitness works like a charm. I'd add vacation to that, but I can't do that every day.haha When I can make a class, yoga and zumba twice a week have helped me relax and release all the pressure that's built up inside, which leaves me with more energy and better blood circulation that has eased the pain of having to sit for hours each day. It's a constant battle to find time to exercise, but it helps so much. You may recall me having mentioned my mom and I were doing zumba classes together twice a week. Well, fast-forward to today and she has lost approx. 20 pounds while doing her best to exercise consistently, eat better, and be thoughtful of what she uses during her beauty and hygiene routines. How awesome right? Very proud of her for accepting change, and now she is able to see benefits from it.
I absolutely 100% agree with you in that you cannot wait for a doctor's cure (sometimes they aren't even right), but they will always be there to help you. It all starts with you. You know your body better than any doctor ever will. It will take some extra work, a longer time than it would take to ingest a pill, and careful listening to your body talking to you to get to know it even better, but it is possible, and the outcome will be better than anything a pill could fix. You might not cure all your symptoms, but you will feel better overall about the quality of your life.
Everyones DNA is different, complicated too. Some good triggers for one person might be the bad triggers for someone else. It's a puzzle that each person has to figure out themselves and with the help from a doctor sometimes, and work towards completing. The great thing about 'going natural' is the pace at which you move forward is as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. There's no worrying about drastic side-effects, symptoms, or reactions from medications...because you're just doing things your body is naturally accustomed to by nature. Life is better that way! "
Hello friends! I have been researching how to incorporate a new & healthier lifestyle. I feel I've come to a point no matter what diagnosis the medical world comes up with that there won't be a simple and easy cure for me. I don't want to say I've given up but I know that there's a lot of things I can change in my daily routine that may help me live in a healthier and more productive lifestyle. The following excerpt is from a friend if mine. I found it very helpful and full of useful info do I felt I needed to share with y'all too! Hope this helps someone, if you've found any helpful additions, please feel free to leave your comments before!
Hugs, The Shell Lady, Lynnette
Our society is blindly buying into products that are doing more harm than good, and unfortunately companies care more about revenue than to admit their cheap faults in production. That's greed and marketing for you. The bad side of it anyways. So, anyone I can tell my small natural journey to, I do, so they might have a chance to make small changes that help their own bodies in a big way. From my personal experiences, I believe there are 3 main areas everyone who is thinking about 'going natural' should focus on:beauty and hygiene, eating habits, and exercise routine.
I've been using all of the above products in my beauty and hygiene routine for over 2yrs now and I feel so much better about what I'm putting on my largest organ (aka my skin) :) It has thanked me too. My legs are no longer dry or get very many ingrowns, and my at times, painful cystic acne hasn't seen the light of day for at least 3 months now, and I can apply deodorant knowing my skin is breathing in beneficial ingredients. All positive changes from multiple edits in my beauty routine to going as natural as possible. My mother, who you might remember I mentioned has symptoms like those of MS, but she has essential tremor of the head, has seen a slower foldout of the benefits of going natural, but consistency is her issue. My homemade products have journeyed to Maryland recently and now my grandparents, cousins, sister, uncles and aunts are using them now and love them.
The next area to 'going natural' is eating habits. Last week my dad was told by his doctor he is borderline diabetic. What a wake-up call that was for him, and for the first time in seriously YEARS...he ate a salad I made for him and yogurt. He's the kind of guy that can eat a whole bag of chips or crackers while doing the bills or watching a movie on the couch, go pickup fast food for lunch every day, but will hardly eat any fruits or vegetables no matter how many times he is told he should...and slowly his stubbornness has caught up to him. What goes in, must come out. Your body won't tell you how it will all come out though. It is at those moments when we realize we are either having bad or good symptoms of what things we have been doing to our bodies.
Two years ago when I started to eat more leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables at least twice a week to begin with, my body responded with some unpleasant reactions: a hurting stomach because of gas and the feeling I was still hungry even though I just ate 3 fruits and a big salad to get the needed calorie intake. I was questioning whether I was doing more harm than good by eating so healthy...and then my soon-to-be nurse sister informed me that bacteria farts. Yup, haha it's true! The bacteria that lives in your gut lets off nitrogen gas whenever they consume high-fiber and complex carb rich nutrients commonly found in healthier foods and even grains, which in turn gives us some bloating of gas. But this bacteria also lets off gas when foods or drinks that can't easily be digested are consumed. Bad and good gas that causes farting actually exists and is totally normal. So what I had to do is drink more water and take smaller consistent steps towards eating healthy instead of diving in all at once and eating as much healthy food as possible day to day. I had to give my intestines and the bacteria that lives there a chance to get used to being fed all the nutritional goodness I wanted it to have instead of shocking it. Now over a few months of easing in, it has learned how good healthier foods can be and bloating has disappeared! ...but, the catch here is that it has become smart enough to recognize what is 'junk' and what is 'healthy'. Can you believe that?? No joke. A healthy stomach will keep your desire for cookies, gum, ice cream, and all those other sweet treats in check!! I wish I could eat my favorite chocolate ice cream as much as I used to, but it has come down to maybe once a month that I consume it because having it consistently upsets my stomach. A good thing though I guess, my stomach is looking out for my body's best interests as I continue on my journey. I also make sure to eat relatively slow and not devour my food, which gives my stomach time to digest properly.
The last area is exercise. Probably the hardest area for me to tackle, but the most important for my type of lifestyle. My 'real' job outside of ArtSea Chic is in a corporate environment sitting at a desk for 8hrs+ 5 days a week under pressure to meet deadlines, at times difficult co-workers, managing programs and a never ending to-do list. That's a lot of stress, pressure, and sitting that's hurting my body with not a lot of extra time to put towards exercising. If all that doesn't get released though, it's building up into a huge ball of anxiety and actually hurting my well being both mentally and physically. I have actually noticed whenever it gets bad, I tend to shed hair more than usual, I'm restless, my joints are sore, and it's actually very uncomfortable to sit more than an hour in the car driving home. That's my body's way of tell me that something's not right, and to do something about it. Isn't it smart? :)
I'm in a constant battle for time, always. There's never enough time in the day to do everything I need to do. But, I know basic yoga and zumba fitness works like a charm. I'd add vacation to that, but I can't do that every day.haha When I can make a class, yoga and zumba twice a week have helped me relax and release all the pressure that's built up inside, which leaves me with more energy and better blood circulation that has eased the pain of having to sit for hours each day. It's a constant battle to find time to exercise, but it helps so much. You may recall me having mentioned my mom and I were doing zumba classes together twice a week. Well, fast-forward to today and she has lost approx. 20 pounds while doing her best to exercise consistently, eat better, and be thoughtful of what she uses during her beauty and hygiene routines. How awesome right? Very proud of her for accepting change, and now she is able to see benefits from it.
I absolutely 100% agree with you in that you cannot wait for a doctor's cure (sometimes they aren't even right), but they will always be there to help you. It all starts with you. You know your body better than any doctor ever will. It will take some extra work, a longer time than it would take to ingest a pill, and careful listening to your body talking to you to get to know it even better, but it is possible, and the outcome will be better than anything a pill could fix. You might not cure all your symptoms, but you will feel better overall about the quality of your life.
Everyones DNA is different, complicated too. Some good triggers for one person might be the bad triggers for someone else. It's a puzzle that each person has to figure out themselves and with the help from a doctor sometimes, and work towards completing. The great thing about 'going natural' is the pace at which you move forward is as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. There's no worrying about drastic side-effects, symptoms, or reactions from medications...because you're just doing things your body is naturally accustomed to by nature. Life is better that way!
I sit this morning, thinking and trying to be thankful to God, for what I am this morning.
Even though my mornings are hard, typically with outstanding amounts of pain, so much, words cannot escape from my mouth. I sit in stillness waiting. Waiting for the pain to pass, today, and everyday. It usually takes me a good full hour for the brunt of the pain to subside. I look forward to it, wait for it. Today, like everyday. I sit and reflect on mornings of the past. The past where that pain doesn't pass. I sit and be thankful that I anticipate today is going to pass. I have come a long way. I can function and I thank God for that. I know now that I'll journeyed to a point where I can almost guarantee the awful amount of pain will pass, and for that, I'm thankful. Now, and everyday. I wait for it...I have confidence it'll come, and I wait for it.
Hello friends, your crazy Shell Lady has been busy busy the past month and I haven't had a moment to stop in and say hello. My personal struggle with illness continues its stormy path, but finally have received some hopeful news from my doctors. Simply by chance, seems we've stumbled across a medication combination that seems to treat (temporarily) my ongoing chronic condition. I had the need to be put on antibiotics over the Christmas holidays this past year for pneumonia. While on those, I had a severe allergic reaction to something in my studio and was given a simple steroid to treat the reaction. Shortly after being on the two medications (while taking my normal prescription regiment) I had a brief month period of complete and utter healing! When the illness reappeared in February, we didn't think much of the medication change. Then, once again, I was out back on antibiotics for another bout of pneumonia. As it worsened, the need to add another simple steroid was prescribed. I again quickly regained my strength and my overall symptoms disappeared. The dosage was not as strong as the holiday period, but I was again pain & symptom free! Over the course of the next several months this happened one more time! Hoping three times a charm, my doctors have decided we're going to try to treat my mystery auto immune disease with the same combinations at a low dose and see where I stand in the next month.
I'm sharing some photos today of a thunderstorm that rolled into Padre & Mustang Island. It reminds me of the storm I feel I have walked through for so long now! Here's praying (& praising) to God for the revelation hopefully in my long battle with this debilitating disease. Whatever freedom that is coming over the horizon to God be the glory! Hope y'all enjoy the photos & continue to lift me up in your prayers & thoughts. Thank you all for being by my side and cheering me on while I was 'in the storm'...
Hello & Good Sunday morning friends! Looking forward to a beautiful day ahead. Skies are clear & sunny, and I'm sure your Shell Lady will find lots to keep busy.
Couple quick updates on where you can find me these days!
Firstly, join me, Lynnette, on my personal Facebook fan page for The Shell Lady only. Here I share the day to day life of just me, the real person, yeah, business woman- but so much more- mother, wife, chronic illness struggler & surviver, etc. I hope you'll join me for the 'real life' series of my day to day journey.
You can also find me on my continued business Facebook page-
Also, visit our regular blog on WordPress-
Our website, & on Etsy
& of course everywhere social! Pinterest, Twitter, Google +, & all the others! We're either under SeashellsbySeashore or LuckySeaBean.
Have a beautiful afternoon, beachy hugs- Lynnette
Funny how small and insignificant you seem when your eyes wander up in the stars above and think of this world on a whole. Makes everything we all go through each day not seem quite so challenging. Specially knowing there's at least a handful of others in this big world with a world full of strife on their backs. I'm so grateful to be at this point, and knowing that- I'm not so fearful of what tomorrow might bring. I've been feeling pretty darn good lately, and with that, I've oddly had a lot more fear and anxiety about possibly NOT feeling so well again in the future. I'm scared to admit I'm really doubting whether this good streak WILL actually continue...and that I over that have doubt in my faith that I might actually be getting better! It's really been so nice not living in constant pain and having the foggy-ness in my mind I just don't want it to stop. I almost feel greedy that I might ask for more... Ahh, apologizes for the rambling of The Shell Lady. I just have loved the last several days of feeling almost like I had a slightly normal life. So the journey continues...
Hello friends,
I first want to welcome anyone new from my Shell Lady page and say hello, to all my old followers from the past! It's been quite some time since I used this old blog so I'm excited and bringing fresh and new!
For those of you that followed in years past, this new beginning will embark several changes. I'm devoting this blog to my Shell Lady page on Facebook so if you're mainly looking for our current business blog, please visit