The Shell Lady of Etsy's SeashellsbySeashore & Loving Coastal Living. Sharing personal struggles of living with a chronic illness. A blog featuring a person, not just as a business owner, but as a wife, mother, & woman, just like many other people sharing a common bond for wanting to live life at its fullest- in the hardest of challenges to the greatest of triumphs. Join me as I begin the quest to overcome the statistics of a chronically ill person.
Where you can find me!
Where can you Find Me besides the Beach?
Loving Coastal Living's main Blog is on WordPress-
Visit my shops!
and on Etsy-
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tropical Storm Don
Tropical Storm Don- Padre Island- Near Packery Channel
There was lots of activity on the beach. Tropical activity always draws lots of people to come and 'check it out' on the beach, but regardless of the low severity of this particular storm- the water was literally like a washing machine out there. I was amazed that some parents were letting little (very little) kids swim unattended in the water. Every year, we have people die from pushing just a little too far trying to view the storm. Surfers out in the water were struggling to catch a decent wave. It was just to choppy and everything was closing out. I used to surf up until my illness prevented me from doing so, and I know the limits, as do most surfers. I just wish others would have just a little more common sense.
Okay, off my soap box... enjoy the pictures! You'll be able to see as the pictures go on, the amount of mist and salt that clouded the lens. I actually use a relatively inexpensive camera, when it comes to photography.
I am saving my pennies for a new camera- I've got my eye on Canon- (preferring a 7 d)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Entryways & Foyers 101
Here you go Friends!
New post is up on New Site-
Here's the link for design tips, organizing, and decluttering- so you have more time to do what you love to to do!
VISIT Entryways & Foyers 101 HERE
New post is up on New Site-
Here's the link for design tips, organizing, and decluttering- so you have more time to do what you love to to do!
VISIT Entryways & Foyers 101 HERE
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Updates and gift offer
Please view my latest post on the new site! From this point on I will only post updates and featured artists on this site.
We are moving & I welcome you all to join us in our new journey.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Check out this FABULOUS Artist!
Tell us a little about yourself, shop or selling venues.
I am an amateur photographer based in Cape Town South Africa. My friends call me Mo, hence fotomo name of my shop on Etsy. I have been shooting ever since I was at school, having worked weekends to earn enough cash to buy my first camera. I have my own Architectural Consulting business, and with the worldwide recession, I found that I have a little more time to spend on my photography. I always shot with film cameras and crossed over to digital about 7 years ago. Currently, I am only selling my pictures on Etsy, but hope to exhibit when I have a larger portfolio and an opportunity arises.
What are some things that bring you joy or inspire you?
Joy and inspiration is all around us, there are amazing people doing amazing things to create a better world. Today, is 18th July which happens to be Nelson Mandela’s 93rd birthday. To me he is the personification of inspiration, to have been imprisoned for all that time, having fought injustice and essentially given up his entire life to fight for the cause that this country can be free today. And most of all not having any resentment for any of the injustices of his captors or for any of the sacrifices he made.
On a personal level, I am an eternal traveler, who feels I never have enough opportunities to travel. The reality is that I have been fortunate to travel to some incredibly amazing places in the world. So travelling is something that brings me joy. In that environment I find inspiration in everyday things, like somebody who just stops doing their busy routine to spend a moment to help a tourist find something on a map, or someone helping a blind or elderly person across the road, or even someone who just gives up their seat on a crowded bus. Simple, yet inspirational things that just shows mutual respect amongst human beings.
Do you work outside the home, or are you self employed?
I am self employed so mostly work from home, though sometimes when I am doing Consulting work I work at my Clients offices. My Photography takes me to various places, depending on what and where I am shooting. Post processing is done at home though.
How long have you been creating, and why did you begin?
I have been shooting since I was at school, so it’s been something I’ve been doing a long time. My first real encounter with photography was at a friend’s fathers studio. He was often there and we used to experiment all the time. Since then I have always had a camera of some sort, shooting whenever an opportunity arose. However, it was probably more documentary of family events, travel etc.
With the worldwide recession, I found I had more time to spend on researching and improving my Photography. I also wanted to find an outlet for my Photography to supplement my income. I am grateful to a friend Debbie, who has an Etsy shop called singingheartjewelry who introduced me to the idea of starting an Etsy shop, and encouraged me to do just that. So, with her help, I started my Etsy shop at the beginning of this year, unfortunately, I have not had the good fortune to sell anything yet. But, I believe that every piece of art has an expression of the artist and that there is someone out there who will enjoys that expression. I am hoping Etsy will create the platform for me to reach those that enjoy mine.
I believe every photographer has a “point of view” or an expression and photography allows you the platform to be able to show or share that expression. The image that you produce is a way of showing the scene “how you saw it” the moment you pressed the shutter button.
What are some of your favorites (websites, materials, foods, books, other people’s work, etc.)
I see the development of my photography as a journey which is improving with time, with incredible learning opportunities along the way. As a result I often read advice by other Photographers, there is a wealth of information on the internet, and people are so incredibly generous with advice. All of my images are digital nowadays, though they are printed in various sizes on paper, canvas or whatever material my Client prefers.
A favorite website, I suppose at a selfish level, there would be two, my Etsy shop and my blog
I love to read poetry by Khalil Gibran as it is truly inspiring in terms of life
Some examples are:
- You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
- And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms from those who work with joy.
- Braving obstacles and hardships is nobler than retreat to tranquility
Where do you live, and do you hope to live elsewhere?
I live in the wonderful city of Cape Town at the foot of the famous table mountain. I am not from Cape Town originally, though I call it home now. I have lived in different places in this country and in the world previously. I am an eternal traveler, as I mentioned earlier, so I guess I could live anywhere, provided there were enough travelling opportunities in the region :-)
What are some of your short term and long term goals overall.
Short term goals are probably to finally sell one of my images on Etsy, followed by selling a lot more. Long term goals in the photography environment would be to try and find a way of combining my love of travel with my passion for photography, so finding a job in that environment would be the ultimate. Anybody out there looking for a photographer to travel and document places around the world, please contact me JJ
What is your most treasured possession, and why?
These are also very contextual, so in the photographic sense, my most treasured possession is my first SLR film camera, purchased with money I earned while working casual jobs on weekends when I was a schoolboy. I still have this camera and believe it or not, it is still functional.
My blog site has many of my images that have not appeared on the Etsy site…some examples are
best sellers, unfortunately none at this stage, have not sold anything yet L
UPDATE- After speaking with f0tomo (Mo), He has made his first couple Sales this past week! Congrats, friend! We wish you all success with your amazing work! Don't forget to check out Mo's Blog- I have been an active subscriber for a while now, and I look forward to reading it nearly everyday!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Please Welcome Indy- our Featured Artist from Hawaii
Tell us a little about yourself, shop or selling venues.
I grew up in a suburb of New York City and spent every summer on the beach, walking the shoreline, searching for shells. And I dreamed that one day I would grow up to live on an island. Now that I’m all grown up, my favorite things to do have not changed and I am lucky to live in the Hawaiian Islands. Now I share the joys of beachcombing with my 2 young sons, photographing nature’s abundant beauty, and staying up late getting artsy and crafty! I love photography perhaps more than any art medium, and then digitally enhancing a photograph to create a certain look and feel. I like to create mermaid-inspired accessories which have that weathered, just-out-of-the-sea look, as opposed to refined and bright and shiny wares. And the other city-loving side of me is inspired by street art found on the back of old buildings or brightening up a subway station.
What are some things that bring you joy or inspire you?
I love being outside! Whether it’s exploring the green jungle, searching for shells and seaglass on the beach, or tending to my gardens, it is all so inspiring and soul-expanding. I love observing how nature is perfect and balanced, and capturing it with my camera.
Do you work outside the home, or are you self employed?
I am a stay-at-home mom to my 2 gorgeous, funny, and bright boys. I am also embarking on a homeschooling journey with them. I get creative at night after they go to bed, many times into the wee hours of darkness.
How long have you been creating, and why did you begin?
I have enjoyed arts and crafts basically since birth, as my mom and sister were also very talented in the arts. I grew up sewing clothes for my Barbie dolls, beading Christmas ornaments, making homemade cards and gifts for every occasion, etc. It is only recently that I have braved the world of sales, both online at and locally at craft and farmer’s markets.
What are some of your favorites (websites, materials, foods, books, other people’s work, etc.)
The amount of artists with such a high degree of talent, especially found on the website, humbles me to no end! I love walking through craft fairs and always wanted to be one of those people who could actually sell their crafts…until recently when I did gather up the courage to try it myself! I love the visionary artists like Alex Grey and Srimati Syamarani (, people who incorporate the ethereal into the material. I love Gluten Free Girl because she is untiring to develop great tasting food which gluten-intolerant people could otherwise not have. I appreciate restaurants devoted solely to vegetarian, vegan, and raw-food lifestyles.
Where do you live, and do you hope to live elsewhere?
I live on the mystical and magical island of Kaua’i and have no desire to live anywhere else… I’ve traveled all over, and can confirm that this is my home!
What are some of your short term and long term goals overall.
In the near future I hope to develop more of my stencil designs and get them integrated into my booth at my local marketplace. I also would like to feature more of my photography. My ultimate goal is to have a constant flow of green/money energy exchanged for my designs!
What is your most treasured possession, and why?
My most treasured material possessions are tied between my camera and computer because they both capture, create, and store memories, ideas, and visions, all which are part of me but allow them to be expressed and shared.
Do you have a religious or spiritual background?
Spirituality is the backbone of life. The material world is but a temporary illusory and muddy reflection of a real, eternal spirit realm where the divine dwell. We are not the body; rather, we are eternal individual spirit souls whose nature is to serve God’s divine love. And that is the thread which connects all religions. In my life, I have studied and practiced a few different paths and have found Krishna Consciousness to resonate the most with who I am. It is not a form of religiosity, but a philosophy and way of life.
Links to my pages:
Thank you, Indy, for sharing your love for nature with us all! I wish you all the success in your new venture selling online.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Tropical Wedding Ideas- Bringing the Beach Inland!
Dying for that beach wedding, but it just doesn't fit in the budget? Whether the arrangements for your guests travels are hanging you up, or the simple thought of dealing with the sand, wind, or heat doesn't just add up well for the beach wedding you imagined- try moving it Pool-side, and bringing the beach to you!
Here's some cool ideas:
Here's some cool ideas:
Add shell wreaths to any archway!
Make the Cake Table a Centerpiece of Luscious Shell Decor!
Pool side locations have their advantages-
Many Country Club or Private Pools have Handicap Facilities for guests needing assistance
Ample Parking
Inside (air conditioned) facilities to cool off
Set up can take place hours or even days before without the worries of the elements
Some facilities have rental for chairs and tables available on site
Save the rental for the reception hall- and have it all in one place!
You can save the beach for your honeymoon
Photos are from
Cinnamon Shores is a Beach Side Community nearby in Port Aransas. I have personally been to this location, and the entire master community is amazing. I recommend anyone traveling to the area to stop by and see for yourself!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Please visit my upcoming site!
Coming Soon!
Stop by and see our new look and new upcoming site!
I'd love to introduce this more in detail, but we are still in the beginning stages of the sites development. Our new site will feature lovely sea and nature inspired artist's work. It will be focusing on art, home decor, jewelry, sea life supplies, and more. I will soon be taking applications and laying out the terms and conditions of selling on the site. We'd like the artists to each personally have an experience with the customers, and the site will more than likely operate on a consignment like basis. If you or someone you know, may be interested in selling on our new site, please feel free to contact me directly. I will be glad to explain where the new website will be going, and when it will be fully operational!
So for now, please stop by and visit- and leave me a comment on how it feels.
Click HERE to go to NEW Site!
Contact me
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Stop by and see our new look and new upcoming site!
I'd love to introduce this more in detail, but we are still in the beginning stages of the sites development. Our new site will feature lovely sea and nature inspired artist's work. It will be focusing on art, home decor, jewelry, sea life supplies, and more. I will soon be taking applications and laying out the terms and conditions of selling on the site. We'd like the artists to each personally have an experience with the customers, and the site will more than likely operate on a consignment like basis. If you or someone you know, may be interested in selling on our new site, please feel free to contact me directly. I will be glad to explain where the new website will be going, and when it will be fully operational!
So for now, please stop by and visit- and leave me a comment on how it feels.
Click HERE to go to NEW Site!
Contact me
Monday, July 11, 2011
SeaShellsbySeaShore was featuted on Raziela's Rant
Raziela's Rant: This Week's Featured Shop: "This week I have chosen seashellsbyseashore . Meet Lynette, owner of seashellsbyseashore : I live on beautiful North Padre Island along..."
Newest Featured Artist- 220miles
I am a self employed, work at home, mum to three young children, educated and worked in fashion design in the UK and abroad. 220miles in a new venture for me, starting on Etsy while developing my own website. Hoping to sell mainly on line and in art galleries and great little shops every were.
I have as long as I can remember been creative and so always creating. I am fashion based but do create interiors for my own home.Every object is cast using a solvent free, water based resin. I really believe every human being should do their bit not to damage our earth any further. Neither the earth nor our bodies need any more harmful chemicals.
So why 220miles?
The name is, in a literal sense, the distance from you to well, nothing, upwards, to the edge of space, no matter who or were on earth you are.
Hope this is every thing that helps you know me a little better, thanks for everything. I am working on my website (
Thanks Ali, for sharing a bit about your unique art form. We wish you success! You can visit her Etsy Shop here-
Thursday, July 7, 2011
SALE on Etsy
Just a quick note!
I wanted to let everyone know of a fabulous sale in my SeaShells Shop- now for a limited time!
Use coupon code VINTAGE for 40% off anything in the 3 vintage categories!
Here's some items- lots more in each category!


I wanted to let everyone know of a fabulous sale in my SeaShells Shop- now for a limited time!
Use coupon code VINTAGE for 40% off anything in the 3 vintage categories!
Here's some items- lots more in each category!



Sunday, July 3, 2011
Foundations of America
I hope everyone is enjoying their Fourth of July Weekend. May you all have safe travels, good times with family and friends, and enjoy the beauty of God's world.

I had planned on doing a long, detailed account of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Christian Values it is based upon. I truly believe in my heart, that some American's have lost touch with the core principles of what our country was based on. Controversial as this subject may be, Christianity was and is what the Foundations of America are based and built upon. Instead of getting on my soap box this weekend, and filling my day with tedious hours researching and building this post, I will leave you with some copied quotes and text of the Declaration, and Constitution itself.

" You do well to wish to learn our arts and our ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. Congress will do everything they can to assist you in this wise intention." George Washington
" Let...statesmen and patriots unite their endeavors to renovate the age by...educating their little boys and girls...and leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system." Samuel Adams

"History will also afford frequent opportunities of showing the necessity of a public religion...and the excellency of the Christian religion above all others, ancient or modern." Benjamin Franklin
"Only one adequate plan has ever appeared in the world, and that is the Christian dispensation." John Jay, ORIGINAL CHIEF-JUSTICE U.S. SUPREME COURT
"The United States of America were no longer Colonies. They were an independent nation of Christians." John Quincy Adams
97% of the founding fathers were practicing Christians and exercised their faith in public office, at work, at home, and had it taught to their children in their schools.
187 of the first 200 colleges in America were Christian, Bible teaching institutions. Entrance to Harvard required strong knowledge of the Bible.

and so I must say, and I hope you agree--
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Clipart courtesy of (
Text Quotes, and excerpts from and

I had planned on doing a long, detailed account of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Christian Values it is based upon. I truly believe in my heart, that some American's have lost touch with the core principles of what our country was based on. Controversial as this subject may be, Christianity was and is what the Foundations of America are based and built upon. Instead of getting on my soap box this weekend, and filling my day with tedious hours researching and building this post, I will leave you with some copied quotes and text of the Declaration, and Constitution itself.
See the complete text of the Declaration of Independence HERE (CLICK).
that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
--those who can admit the phrase "created equal" means created by God, not evolved from chaos.

The Declaration of Independence contains a theological teaching because the ultimate source of our rights and duties is God. There are four references to God in the Declaration:
- The "laws of nature and of nature's God" entitle the United States to independence.
- Men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights."
- Congress appeals "to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions."
- The signers, "with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence," pledge to each other their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.
" You do well to wish to learn our arts and our ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. Congress will do everything they can to assist you in this wise intention." George Washington
" Let...statesmen and patriots unite their endeavors to renovate the age by...educating their little boys and girls...and leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system." Samuel Adams

Great Christian Blog image by:
"History will also afford frequent opportunities of showing the necessity of a public religion...and the excellency of the Christian religion above all others, ancient or modern." Benjamin Franklin
"Only one adequate plan has ever appeared in the world, and that is the Christian dispensation." John Jay, ORIGINAL CHIEF-JUSTICE U.S. SUPREME COURT
"The United States of America were no longer Colonies. They were an independent nation of Christians." John Quincy Adams
97% of the founding fathers were practicing Christians and exercised their faith in public office, at work, at home, and had it taught to their children in their schools.
187 of the first 200 colleges in America were Christian, Bible teaching institutions. Entrance to Harvard required strong knowledge of the Bible.
End of Article VII of Constitution
"Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth. In Witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names."
and so I must say, and I hope you agree--
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Clipart courtesy of (
Text Quotes, and excerpts from and
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