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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Ladies!

Tribute to all Mother's near and far- for all you have done.  This is a little off for Mother's Day- but I had to share this.  Even if it helps one person, it will been all for the good of the kids we raise everyday.
Yesterday I had the honour to be a speaker at a local church for their teenage girls group.  I woke that morning dreading the event, mostly because my body was so sore and tired from my illness.  I kept thinking- maybe they'll forget to pick me up (I can no longer drive due to the illness), maybe it was cancelled, and so on. I truly wanted to share with the girls but it was as if the devil was fighting me every inch and not opening the doors to physically do the speech.
Soon the ladies from the church called and announced they had been delayed, and had to start the event a little later.  They asked if I could be picked up around noon.  Praise God- it gave me enough time to 'get my body' moving.  I arrived shortly after noon to what seemed like chaos.  I am quite an anal person when it comes to planning, and for things to be organized.  It was NOT like that.  I could tell the adults had 'lost' the girls.  Girls were going every which way, being wild.  While one adult tried to fix the dreaded chocolate fountain, the other ladies sat and complained about things in their lives, their husbands, and even their own kids (to which most of them were there in the same room).  There was a wedding reception downstairs, and I was amazed at the adults reaction towards the girls.  They said things like 'they're doomed, what an great way to end your life', etc.  I treasure my marriage- all the ups and downs, spending my life with the man I love.  These ladies had the right notion and intended the event to be inspiration and productive for the girls, although it was clear it had clearly lost that track.
I watched and observed.  Finally I asked if it would be okay for me to start.  The girls all sat- and I began to tell them my story.  I told them just a little over a year ago, I had a good job, made good money, and all seemed well and good.  I told them about that time I became ill- not just a flue bug, but something else.  I had days I couldn't walk well, could use my hands because they shook too much, had extreme 'brain fog', and was literally in terrible pain all over.  I told them of other symptoms to which soon, my old life was nonexistent.  Everything I had was slowly ripped right away from me.  I told them I had experienced this before in my life, but over the course of time would get better.  I explained how I thought I had the 'good life' before I became ill.  But the truth was, I worked way too many hours, didn't have a lot of time with my kids and family, and list goes on.  I began creating and doing my artwork when I felt decent, and soon the art became a kind of therapy for me.  I was later faced with a decision to either continue to feel miserable for myself, or to accept what my life had become and find joy with it.  I chose Joy, and Peace.  An everlasting sense that is practically unexplainable to those who have never experienced it.  I found small things, little bits of my day and surroundings that truly brought joy and happiness into my life.  For me, the beach, picking up shells or driftwood, listening to the birds, or the fish jumping in the water overlooking my deck, laughter of my children- all brought me this amazing sense of peace.  God has given to us freely many things- just like the old saying about stopping and smelling the roses, it is so true.  Find things around you that bring you joy- it may be different for all of us, but there's always something.  Something consistent, something God put on this earth for us to enjoy.  
They all watched and listened with amazing silence.  I told them, as teenagers and adults- situations and things that make them uncomfortable will always come about.  It was when you have an outlook and sense of Peace, that things will be easier, life won't seem to big for them to handle.  I also told them they all could be an inspiration to others by living a good, positive life- always looking for something to give thanks for.
We then went on to make some shell hair clips for each of them to have.  They loved the the little tidbits to remind them of the day, and something to make them feel pretty and special.
The rest of the event went pretty much the same as it had started, but I thank God I had an opportunity to speak to each of them.  I'm not saying they didn't get anything from the rest of the day- I hope they did.  It just reminded me so much of the need to stay positive, specially amongst our youth.  We are making the mold for them.  We need to watch we we all say, and how we portray life.  Who knows, maybe a year or so ago, I would have been the same as the other adults there- caught up in life, not recognizing what life is really about.
Don't let anyone tell you your job of being a mom is easy- we all know differently.  I tell my kids all the time, "If the only reason I was put on this Earth, was to be a Mom to you kids, I'm alright with that.  It is my honor to be your Mom"  My kids giggle every time, but I think they know it is true.

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